Technical Reports
Technical Report 1: Existing Conditions
Technical Report 1 describes the physical existing condition of the structure of the New Library at the University of Virginia's College at Wise. It provides a structural overview of the foundation sytem, floor and roof framing systems, later resisting sytem, and joint details. This report also includes an overview of the loading condtions used in the design of the building.
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Technical Report 2: Building Codes, Specifications, and Loads
Technical Report 2 identifies building codes and specifications used in the design of the New Library at the University of Virginia's College at Wise. Using these and other relevant documents, gravity, wind, and seismic loads are calculated.
Clcik on the image below to view PDF.

Technical Report 3: Typical Member Spot Checks for Gravity Loads & Alternate Systems Typical Bay Design Study
Technical Report 3 evaluates several typical members in the existing floor system design of the New Library at the University of Virginia's College at Wise. This evaluation involves an analysis of typical floor members and columns under the gravity loads calculated in Technical Report 2. Technical Report 3 also includes a study and comparison of three alternate gravity framing systems that could be used in the New Library. These systems will be considered for redesign in the spring semester.
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Technical Report 3 Presentation: Technical Report 3 Summary and Conclusions
Technical Report 3 is summarized and concluded in a presentation format. The presentation provides a brief overview of the existing system along with the three alternative systems. These three systems are compared to the existing system and conclusions about the feasibility of the system for the spring redesign are presented.
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Technical Report 4: Lateral System Analysis Study
Technical Report 3 involved a complete lateral system analysis of the New Library at the University of Virginia's College at Wise, located in Wise, Virginia. The buildings lateral system was analyzed used wind, seismic, and soil loading conditions. ETABS was used to create a 3D lateral model which was used to distribute the forces to each lateral element. The analysis consisted of member spot checks for strength, drift checks, and overturning moment/ foundation considerations.
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Technical Report 4 Presentation: Technical Report 4 Summary and Conclusions
Technical Report 4 is summarized and concluded in a presentation format. The presentation provides a brief overview of the lateral elements modeled, and some of the decisions made in the modeling process. It also includes an overview of the distribution of forces, critical members, and the lateral analysis of the system.
Click on the image below to view PDF.
